Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Teen Money Magazine

I attended the Jumpstart conference at the Federal Reserve in Detroit and was incredibly impressed with both the presenters and the attendees.

I have an idea and need your help. I would like to start an online and print magazine to help unlock the great potential within teenagers. It will combine the excitement of a teen magazine with the value of a business publication. There is currently nothing of this nature on the market that I am aware of. Publications like the Wall Street Journal or the Economist present excellent information, but they can be difficult for young people to relate to or read. One the other hand, teen publications are fun and exciting, but lack substance. I believe my magazine concept could help bridge the gap between valuable content and entertaining delivery methods.

I would like teenagers to be involved in the creation of the magazine. Eventually, student run news bureaus around the nation and globe could contribute content to this revolutionary publication. Teenagers would acquire valuable skills while working on this project. Content would come from a variety of sources including industry experts, celebrities, educators, and young people. Issues covered would range from the practical and entertaining to in depth coverage of complex topics.

The magazine will serve as a guide to dreaming big and achieving success. I believe America’s youth can attain greatness; they just need a little help and encouragement. In this land of unparalleled opportunity, there is no reason why our youth should be struggling because they have never learned how to excel.

I need your help to make my “dream” a reality. I am looking for your advice and input as financial educators who are working with youth on a regular basis. Please share your stories, thoughts, and advice.

Brent Courson
4701 Birch Lane
Dexter, MI 48130
734-426-3767 Office
734-426-1169 Home


Diane Knudson said...

Hi Brent, have you ever heard of Brass Magazine? They have a print magazine that is kind of what you are talking about. Their website is brassmagazine.com, it might help give you some ideas.

Good luck!

Pat Bonner said...


Two other sources to examine:

1) Young Money magazine for college students at www.youngmoney.com

2) NEFE Resource Bureau at Teehttp://www.ntrbonline.org. Teens ask and get answers to money questions.